Sunday, September 04, 2005
The very last Great Lakes International Banjo Convention?
Dear Friends,
We have an acceptable contract for GLIBC 2006 and as I announced before, the dates are April 20, 21, & 22, 2006. I am sad to say that it is a probability that GLIBC 2006 may be the last. I haven't signed the proposed contract for GLIBC 2007. Bottom line is the hotel is wanting us to pay for items we didn't pay for in the past. This, coupled with a room rate of $103 + tax, is not acceptable to me and the committee agrees. The hotel has stated it is the best contract they will offer. Add to this the cost of liability insurance which has doubled in the last year. The GLIBC Committee discussed raising registration rates but decided we couldn't cover the potential costs we may incur.
If we find another suitable hotel at a reasonable rate, we may continue. It doesn't look promising at this time. In the meantime, make your reservations and plan to attend GLIBC 2006. Room rate is same as GLIBC 2005, $88 + tax.
Bill Jackson
Great Lakes International Banjo
Convention Chairman